1. i can ban what say aaaaa i dont know
2.I have hard reasons for this actions
3.Admin and what would you have done if cannot put ban chat or kick when you touch and parents?
4. C-A-H-O-K, is not my friend ,N4iD and i help all in my event! what u cry i dont know
5.thn for status GM zoum and gl with server
6. N4iD what you said about me and my ancestors and I can tell you in MSN if you want! zoumhs I am waiting for a answer to Nr.3
Added (2008-12-15, 3:56 Pm)
Quote (aaaaa)
[size=18][GM][LastFalcon]SUCKS he is no fair and i have provements because i discovered tha in events he helped a man named c-a-h-o-k and won cool items the he try to punish me and me tp me outside of giran and c-a-h-o-k there and tey kill me and res me and kill me and res me and kill me and res me and kill me about one hour then he do to my friend djebour because i called him and i have pics add my msn a.k_h.s@hotmail.com n00b gm last falcon and then he ban me!!!
not fair? Yeshe you have enough arrogance lying worm obtuse!